University of Basrah organizes a scientific lecture on "Detecting the Liveness of Fingerprints Using the Deep Learning Framework"

نظمت كلية علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في جامعة البصرة محاضرة علمية عن: " الكشف عن حيوية بصمات الاصابع بأستخدام اطار التعلم العميق"

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology at University of Basrah organized a scientific lecture on: "Detecting the Liveness of Fingerprints Using the Deep Learning Framework"
The lecture aimed to eliminate concerns about the security of fingerprint systems due to threats resulting from forgery attacks, as fake fingerprints can be created using cheap materials such as silicone and gelatin. To address these threats, the field of fingerprint liveness detection is a crucial security measure aimed at distinguishing between real and fake live fingerprints. The lecture presented by the student "Aya Abdul Karim" included proposing a lightweight deep learning network based on the ResNet and Transformer architectures to distinguish between real and fake fingerprints. This approach is characterized by strong generalization capabilities while reducing computational complexity, allowing for higher accuracy compared to current methods in detecting fake fingerprints. By ensuring that only live fingerprints are recognized, this network can prevent unauthorized access, thus enhancing the overall security of the system.  Its lightweight design also makes it suitable for real-world applications such as mobile devices or embedded systems with limited resources.