University of Basrah Delegation was Hosted by the Iranian Ferdowsi University of Mashhad for the second day

 Within the memorandum of understanding between  University of Basrah and Ferdowsi University, Mashhad for the second day of the visit of the delegation of  University of Basrah, headed by prof. Dr. Imad S. Alshawi, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, and the members accompanying him, headed to the College of Computer Engineering at Ferdowsi University and met with the Head of the Computer Department and got to know the departments and branches they have.  In the field of computers and touring the department’s laboratories, including the laboratories of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics branch
 After that, they visited the information center and learned about the mechanism used to link the information of all the colleges in  university through a special server for university, and met with the director of the center and the team for programming the systems that serve  university and looked at the existing systems.