The master’s thesis by student Fatima Yahya Youssef from the College of Computer Science and Information Technology discussed the representation of a knowledge base in the form of an ontology (thesaurus) or concept map through which knowledge can be represented in a unified way that is easy for humans and computers to deal with and understand. The thesis included building an ontology for specific sections of Islamic jurisprudence, so that the first goal of building it was to enrich the Internet with the deficiency it witnesses in building this type of field and accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the field. The proposed domain information is thus exchanged. Used A specific methodology consisting of seven stages is followed in a manner sequentially until its construction was completed, after which the proposed work was evaluated in one of the most widely used query languages, which is the SPARQL query language, and it was also examined and ensured the consistency of its vocabulary through a tool called Resoner included within the Protégé editor.