Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabeel Abdulsaheb, and the supervision of the Honorable President of the University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, the esteemed Mrs. Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Salma Abdul-Baqi Mahmoud participated in the first unified assessment conference for the electronic ministerial exams for the medical group that took place in College of Computer Science Laboratories
Where the conference, which was held at the Basrah Medical College in the presence of the assistants of the president of the university for scientific and administrative affairs and the deans of the faculties at the University of Basrah, discussed the experience of the assessment exams and their success rates from a scientific point of view and the logistical preparations for them, and made recommendations to serve the development of the assessment exams, which are to be expanded to faculties with other specializations.
The ministerial team and the deans of the faculties thanked the dean of the college for the high-level technical and logistical support that she provided to make this experiment a success at the University of Basrah.