Under the patronage of the honorable President of the University of Basra, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and under the supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Salma Abdul-Baqi Mahmoud.
A landmark has been erected within the premises of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, symbolizing the sanctity of the great book of God Almighty. This symbolic monument stands at the heart of the college courtyard, aiming to evoke the moral and scholarly values intertwined with the sanctity of this grand book. It serves as a constitution for our youth, who represent the leaders of the nation and the promising future, embodying a comprehensive system of values and a life project across various levels.
Simultaneously with the aggressive attacks that targeted the Holy Quran by individuals and institutions exploiting freedom of expression, and exercising exclusionary intellectual extremism by insulting the sanctities of the Islamic religion, including the Holy Quran, and spreading hostile attitudes towards religious freedoms, the college took the initiative, under the direct supervision of the Dean, to construct a monument for the Book of God within its premises. This endeavor was commended by a distinguished group of professors and staff, who expressed their gratitude for this blessed effort, beseeching the Almighty, whose name is exalted, to bestow goodness, happiness, and prosperity upon our beloved Iraq, and to elevate and glorify our pristine faith.