Competitive Exams for Applicants to Postgraduate Studies at the University of Basra

Under the esteemed patronage of Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, President of the University of Basra, and under the supervision of Dr. Salma Abdul-Baqi Mahmoud, the respected Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, the applicants for postgraduate studies (Ph.D./Master's) in the Faculty of Computer Science underwent competitive exams.

The exams took place on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, and were conducted electronically in the college's laboratories. The applicants were from two departments within the faculty: Computer Science Department and Computer Information Systems Department. It is worth mentioning that the accepted candidates for the Master's program are from the fourth batch since the establishment of the faculty, while those applying for the PhD. program in the Computer Science Department are from the first batch since the establishment of the faculty.The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Basra is considered one of the leading faculties in terms of scientific, technological, and technical advancements.