Under the auspices of the respected President of the University of Basra, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and the supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Salma Abdel-Baqi Mahmoud, the master's thesis (Design and Implementation of a Model for Building an Ontology for the Diagnosis of Asthma) was discussed and presented by the student Fatima Basem in the Computer Systems Department under the supervision of Dr. Zainab Ibrahim Othman, which aims to design a system that has the ability to diagnose asthma in a preliminary manner by relying on ontology, swrl rules, and sparkle queries. After extensive discussion by the committee assigned to discuss the thesis headed by Dr. Salma Abdel-Baqi Mahmoud, and the student's defense of the discussion, the committee decided to accept the thesis after making some minor changes to it with a very good grade.