Under the auspices of the Honorable President of the University of Basrah, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and under the supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Salma Abdul-Baqi Mahmoud, today, Thursday, 26-1-2023, a discussion of a master’s thesis submitted by a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science (Lamia Ali Abdulzahra) took place, with the blessing of Allah, and under the supervision of Dr. Imad Shaalan Jabr, the thesis tagged "Safe and Energy-Saving Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Computational Intelligence Technology", which aimed to propose a new secure routing protocol for WSN networks. The problem of multi-path routing on the basis of secrecy is formulated as an optimization problem. The letter sought to maximize the network's security and lifetime while considering power constraints. After extensive discussion by the committee charged with discussing the thesis headed by Dr. Ali Fadhil Marhoon from the University of Basrah and the student's defense of her research, the committee decided to accept the thesis after making minor modifications to it and with a grade of excellence.