A scientific lecture at the College of Information Technology on energy-saving technologies for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

 Under the auspices of the President of the University of Basra, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi esteemed and under the supervision of Ms. Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Dr. Salma Abdul Baqi Mahmoud respected science department organized a computer science lecture immanence entitled "Saving energy technologies for wireless networks sensor is heterogeneous," said the graduate student / Master's in  section mentioned "sacrificed behind bagger" and under the supervision of "Prof. Dr. Imad Shaalan," the importance of these networks, the time being the main role in the provision of infrastructure amazing to monitor the fluctuations of environmental, such as climate change, volcanoes and other natural disasters have the goal of her research submitted for a master's degree in computer Science First to  building an intelligent approach to collect sensor data in HWSNs to consider energy consumption.  Next, the work proposes a new routing protocol for HWSNs to send aggregate data from the sensor to the sink through block headers.